Newton and Noss Weather
Latitude N 50° 18' 40", Longitude W 04° 02' 16".    Elevation 58 m.    Sun Rise 08:00, Set 16:58.    Moon Rise 05:18, Set 12:15.   Last updateed at 20:08 on 25 January 2025.
Near St. Peter's Church on the River Yealm
12 hour forecast: Showery, bright intervals.  Outlook: Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Wind Speed: 6.1 Today's max gust: at 20:07.    (THSW) Feels Like: C.    Cloudbase: 541 m.    Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr; Last Hour 0.0 mm; Today 0.0 mm.
 Hours of Sunshine: 4.2.     UV Index: 0.0,     Moon Phase: Waning Crescent.  

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